Code of conduct

A commitment to service excellence is fundamental to the philosophy of Crown Worldwide Group.
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    This commitment requires us to share our objectives, and those of our customers, with those organisations who work with us in the provision of service.

    One essential objective is to uphold the highest ethical standards in all our business relationships. These standards apply to every marketplace where Crown is engaged in service delivery.

    Our Code of Conduct serves to strengthen Crown’s ethical climate and provides basic guidelines for situations that challenge our adherence to it. It is the policy of Crown Worldwide Group to:

    • Comply with all applicable legislation in all territories including, without limitation, employment discrimination, health, safety, securities and environmental laws
    • Take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and adhere to the most stringent legislation relating to it
    • Conduct all our business with honesty, truthfulness, transparency and integrity

    No director, officer, executive, or manager of Crown has the authority to violate any law or direct an employee or any other person to violate any law on behalf of Crown.

    Our partners will be held responsible for observance of our Code of Conduct. If any partner has questions about any section of our Code of Conduct, they should be directed to Crown local, regional or group management. If a partner becomes aware that either they, or another partner, or a Crown employee, has violated the Code, they are obligated to report it in accordance with procedures contained within these guidelines. No one has the authority to retaliate against a partner who reports a possible violation.

    Our partners are expected to behave in accordance with the guidance expressed in the following pages of this document. Failure to comply with our Code of Conduct will leave a partner liable to suspension and possible termination of our business relationship.