When his brother Sean was diagnosed with – and sadly later died of – cancer, Dennis Muldowney felt compelled to do his bit, all while honoring Sean’s life.
And since 2009, our General Manager in Indonesia has personally raised over $80,471 for Movember, a men’s health charity that supports over 1250 projects across the world.
Every November, Dennis rallies the Crown group, using Movember’s flagship fundraising month – November – inspiring colleagues to join him and grow a moustache while raising funds for the organization.
Fourteen years on, a hike to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and many moustaches later, Dennis has clubbed together with Crown Worldwide Group to raise $100,000 for the cause.
“Sean was only 45 years old at the time [of his diagnosis] and it was a big shock to the family,” Dennis explains. “I wanted to do my part, to support my brother who fought the battle against cancer for five years. Sean was a doctor, he loved the mountains and loved to ski and when he sadly passed away aged 51, he left behind a wife and three amazing kids. His son – so, my nephew – has just had a baby boy, so he would have been a grandfather, which I’m sure he would’ve loved.
“When we lost him, Movember became even more meaningful for me because it was a way to honor my brother’s memory and raise awareness about men’s health.”
It was in March 2022 that Dennis along with 10 Movember community members undertook a gruelling eight-day trek to summit Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa’s tallest peak – turning 51 on the day he reached the top, the same age as his late brother when he died.

Supported by Crown and colleagues, he raised over $27,000 through this event alone.
Movember, the annual event – which goes by the same name as the charity it raises funds for – seeks to raise awareness of men’s health issues including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s mental health. This year, it celebrates its 20th anniversary.
You might know Movember as the month when male friends, family members, and colleagues grow out their facial hair for the entire month to raise awareness and money for the important cause.
The world loses a man to suicide every minute of every day, while testicular cancer, globally, is the most common form of cancer among men. And more than 1.4 million men were diagnosed with prostate cancer globally in 2020, equating to approximately 3,875 men a day. The money generated from Movember since 2006 has contributed towards funding the development of 54 inventions, 70 therapies, and 107 diagnostic tests for prostate cancer.
Dennis stresses the importance of checking in on your friends and family, wearing a Movember wristband that reads “check in on your mates.”
“It’s so important to reach out to your brothers, colleagues, and friends, particularly if you know they’re going through a bit of a tough time. I was the beneficiary of somebody checking in on me when I moved from Tokyo to Jakarta – it was during COVID, so it was very difficult to move to a new country and build a network as you couldn’t go out and meet new people. I remember Leon Hulme (Managing Director, New Zealand) would check in on me once a month. I can’t tell you how much those monthly check-ins mean to me, and we still continue them to this day.”
How to get involved?
Aptly, the focal month for Movember is November, but events for the cause take place all year round and there are many ways to contribute:
- Grow a Moustache: …or any type of facial hair. This is the symbol for men’s health and is a great way to initiate a conversation about it.
- Move for Men: Download the Movember app and walk or run 60km in remembrance of the 60 men lost to suicide globally every hour.
- Set Yourself a Challenge: Download the Movember app and set a challenge and fundraising target.
- Host a Work Fundraiser: Unite your company and raise life-saving funds for the cause.