Crown’s worldwide coverage depends on its work with approved service partners. To ensure that all customers entrusting their logistics needs to Crown experience a consistent service from door to door, we work closely with carefully selected partners and train them to Crown standards. In order to shape training delivery, Crown reviewed client and customer feedback to provide focus for the interactive sessions.
Stuart Lawson, Crown’s Global Alliance Manager, said: “One of the major learnings from our training sessions is the paramount importance of customer service and consistent processes. While clients may not work directly with Crown at every stage of their move, we want the transitions to be seamless, so the customer experience is excellent throughout.”
The latest training sessions were held in January and February and delivered in a custom built center created by Cambridge Removals in collaboration with Crown. A total of 11 partner companies from Germany, Poland, Spain and the U.K. attended. During the two-day event, expert trainers covered everything from greeting the client and filling out paperwork to packing, loading and delivering goods.
A classroom-based session explored the specific paperwork required by clients as well as move etiquette and customer service. There were practical demonstrations of how to pack and move fragile items as well as the challenge of moving a piano down a flight of stairs.
Throughout the process, trainers posed as clients and marked every stage, including customer interaction. Once packed, labelled and inventoried, the items were loaded onto trucks and then unloaded, so full destination services could also be assessed.
The learnings were not straightforward as there were plenty of traps set up to test participants. For example, keys and passports were hidden in drawers and cupboards, existing scratches were marked on the floors and money was placed under the furniture.
Keith Dennis, the Head Trainer said: “It’s so important to take the time to share best practice with our partner companies. We only work with companies that meet Crowns standards and have completed our training, which means we can be confident about the service they are delivering to each customer.”
Paul Morris, Crown’s European Transport Manager commented: “we anticipate that this learning will motivate our partners to deliver the best on every occasion and move service delivery to the next level, not just for key clients but for all of our customers.”
In addition to providing ongoing training, Crown measures performance with every completed move through customer feedback and claims experience. Where further improvement is needed, partners are counselled and guided towards the achievement of required standards. Crown also carries out individual one-to-one audits with partners and meets with them all at least annually to share performance reporting and Crown’s vision.
The next stop for the training team will be Switzerland, where local partners will receive hands-on training from experts.