As we launch our latest sustainability report, our senior leaders share their thoughts in a blog series. Here, Group CEO Jennifer Harvey reflects on Crown’s journey. The company has dialed up efforts to decarbonize by building on its legacy of giving back, powered by a diverse and passionate team.
By Jennifer Harvey
Group CEO
Crown Worldwide Group
In 1965, when Jim Thompson started Crown in Yokohama – initially helping US military personnel relocate from Japan – the world was different. It was on the cusp of turbo-charged globalization, powered by affordable air travel, containerization, the emergence and industrialization of Asian economies and later, the internet.
As that transformation unfolded, our business grew. But while we adapted, to meet the evolving needs of customers, one thing that has remained consistent is our drive to support the communities we operate in. Giving back has been fundamental to the fabric of our organization – and we’re incredibly proud of that work.
As the world has changed, so has the climate. The environmental impact of globalization and industrialization - spanning hundreds of years - has had an impact in ways that can be seen frequently on our newsfeeds. When we look forward now, it must be through that lens. We have always innovated in a bid to simplify the complexity that change brings, and sustainability is an area of focus that didn’t exist for any business 60 years ago. Today, it is an urgent and complex priority. Our clients, employees and partners want to know what role we’re playing.
This year’s report, provides that detail across areas of environment, social and governance.
I’ve been struck by the immense energy, passion, and willingness of our teams to rise to the challenges that delivering on a world-class sustainability agenda creates.
We often hear of misalignment in organizations between core functions – but at Crown, finance, IT, HR, marketing, operations and sales are all working as one. This alignment elevates our sustainability agenda, as employees across the company get a consistent and repeated message and are encouraged to participate in the journey. Leading by example, our managers are inspiring their teams to go further and faster, using data to inform investment and innovation.
Our diverse team has overcome plenty of big challenges over the last six decades and we have much to celebrate. But as we move forward, we will – in collaboration with our clients, partners, and myriad other stakeholders – continue decarbonizing our operations, while ensuring we continue to have the most positive impact on all of society.
You can read about the approach we're taking to sustainability in our 2024 report, which looks back on our progress under environment, social, and governance in 2023.