More than three years after the United Kingdom voted narrowly in favour of leaving the European Union, the nature and timing of the UK's exit from the EU still remains uncertain. In the years that have passed, two changes of Prime Minister have ensued and the original anticipated exit date of March 29th has long since passed.
The prospect of a "no-deal" Brexit has become more of a possibility despite those politicians in opposition seeking to legally rule out this option. With no obvious signs of breakthrough following the defeat of Teresa May's proposed exit deal on several occasions, what is clear is that businesses have had to step up their plans and preparations to deal with the implications of "no-deal".
At Crown Worldwide, we have monitored the political situation for a considerable period of time, and like many organisations have created a Brexit strategy. This strategy not only incorporates our own contingency plans to address the challenges that Brexit will bring it our various businesses, but also seeks to address the needs of our clients and customers.